The project will enhance/improve the conservation status and help the natural processes in the two Nature 2000 sites “The forest and eutrophic marshes from Prejmer” (ROSCI0170) and “Fortress-hill Lempes – Harman marsh” (ROSCI0055).
The project’s objectives are:
- Natural status restoration of alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (habitat 91E0*);
- The restoration of the favorable conservation state of the alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (habitat 91E0*);
- Ecological restoration and conservation of Prejmer and Harman marshes (habitat 7210*);
- Natural regeneration of Euro-Siberian forested-steppe with Querqus sp. vegetation in 91I0* habitat;
- Improvement of the local stakeholders attitude towards the conservation of the priority habitats from the two protected areas.
The project is financed through the support of the LIFE Nature instrument of the European Union. The EU contribution amounts to 885.731 euro, representing 69,96% of the total project value.